5 events to humanize your company

5 events to humanize your company

5 events to humanize your company

Events management 10 months ago 2 min read

In a professional environment, human relations play an essential role in a company's success. However, when these relationships deteriorate, it can have detrimental consequences on the efficiency, productivity and well-being of employees. 

1. Lack of communication

One of the main causes of poor human relations is lack of communication. When employees fail to communicate effectively with each other, this can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts and a decline in collaboration. Lack of communication can also create a toxic work environment where employees feel isolated and unsupported.

2. Unresolved conflicts

Unresolved conflicts are another major cause of poor human relations in a company. When employees fail to resolve their differences constructively, it creates a permanent tension that affects the whole team. 

Unresolved conflicts can lead to reduced motivation, confidence and job satisfaction.

3. Lack of recognition

Another factor contributing to poor human relations is lack of recognition. When employees don't feel valued for their work and contributions, it can create a sense of injustice and frustration. 

Lack of recognition can also lead to a drop in employee motivation and commitment, which directly affects productivity and business performance.

4. Inadequate management

Poor management is often at the root of poor human relations within a company. When managers are unable to create a positive working environment and solve problems effectively, it creates a climate of mistrust and frustration among employees. Poor management can also lead to increased stress, anxiety and turnover within the company.

5. Impact on the company

The consequences of poor human relations are numerous and can have a significant impact on the company. A poor working atmosphere can lead to lower productivity, increased absenteeism and high turnover. What's more, unresolved conflicts and lack of communication can hamper team collaboration and innovation, hindering the company's growth and success.

Poor human relations within a company can have detrimental consequences for the entire organization.

It is therefore essential for companies to recognize the importance of human relations and implement measures to improve them.

By organizing special events, you can create a genuine connection with your employees and strengthen the bonds within your company.

In this article, we explore the causes and consequences of poor human relations within a company.

1. Team building day

Organize a team-building day to enable your employees to strengthen their bonds and get to know each other better. You can plan fun, collaborative activities that encourage communication and cooperation. This will enable your employees to work together more effectively and create a positive working environment.

2. Afterworks

Organize regular team lunches or dinners to encourage informal exchanges between your employees. These convivial moments help strengthen bonds and create a relaxed atmosphere within the company. Encourage your employees to share their experiences, ideas and successes at these meals. You can find ideas for outings on GRENA EVENT

3. In-house seminars and conferences

Organize internal seminars and conferences where your employees can share their knowledge and skills with their colleagues. This promotes your employees' professional development and creates an environment conducive to learning and the exchange of ideas. These events also strengthen trust and collaboration within your company.

4. Mentoring program

Set up a mentoring program in your company where more experienced employees can guide and support newcomers. This promotes knowledge sharing, skills development and the creation of strong bonds between employees. Mentoring also strengthens employee commitment and loyalty to the company.

5. Celebrate personal milestones

Organize celebrations for anniversaries, weddings, birthdays or any other important personal event for your employees. This shows that you care about their well-being and value their contribution to the company. These moments of celebration strengthen human bonds and create a warm, friendly atmosphere within your company.


By organizing special events focused on human relations, you can improve the working atmosphere and strengthen the bonds between your employees.

Invest in these events to improve human relations in your company and foster collective success.

And to save time and money, use GRENA EVENT.