Industrialization of Cameroon

Industrialization of Cameroon

Industrialization of Cameroon

Events news 1 year ago 3 min read

UNDER THE VERY HIGH PATRONAGE OF H.E. PAUL BIYA, THE CHINA-FRANCOPHONE AFRICA OBSERVATORY (O.C.A.F. ), in collaboration with the Chinese Embassy in Cameroon, and the Government of Cameroon, is organizing from May 23 to 31, 2023 at the Yaoundé Convention Center, the very first edition of the CHINA-FRENCH-SPEAKING AFRICA INDUSTRIAL AND TRADE FAIR: SICCAF 2023 in Yaoundé.


The China-French Africa Industrial and Trade Fair (SICCAF) 2023 in Yaoundé on the Belt and Road Initiative will explore how the relocation of China's excess manufacturing capacity to Francophone Africa in general and Cameroon in particular under the Belt and Road Initiative could boost industrialization and technology transfer in the sub-region.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict is accentuating the inflationary pressures already recorded on certain agricultural products such as barley, corn and wheat flour, 45% of which are exported from Russia. The effects of this situation are quite noticeable. 

To address this situation, Cameroon intends to rely on the import-substitution policy currently being implemented under the NDS30, and to take advantage of this situation to promote the consumption of local substitutable products, by raising awareness among the population to change their consumption habits. 

The implementation of these different strategies will only be effective and efficient if the foundations for industrialization and the transfer of technologies from countries that have succeeded in overcoming this dilemma (notably China) to Cameroon are put in place.


Globally, this initiative aims to contribute to the development of industrialization of African countries through the transfer of residual technologies from China to these African countries with an emphasis on Francophone Africa in general and Cameroon, a major partner of China in particular.

Specifically, it will involve :

- Promote the coordination of industrial policies that take advantage of the 

Promote the coordination of industrial policies that take advantage of the Initiative in an intergovernmental framework of exchange and communication.

- Promote connectivity through the Initiative, based on respect for the sovereignty and security concerns of each party. This connectivity is achieved through the construction of infrastructure. 

- Promote trade for industrialization and technology transfer, focusing on investment cooperation.

- Promote financial integration as an important support for the implementation of industrialization through the Initiative. 

- Promote people-to-people links as this ensures public support for the implementation of the Industrialization Initiative. Broad public support from participating countries along the routes is key to the success of the Initiative.


The following outcomes are expected from this initiative:

✓ Industrial and trade policies that take advantage of the Initiative in an intergovernmental framework of exchange and communication are promoted;

✓ Connectivity through the Initiative, based on respect for the sovereignty and security concerns of each partner are promoted. And thus, several infrastructures (tangible and intangible) will be built as a result of representation of at least 100 companies from China willing to transfer their South-South technologies. In addition, these infrastructures will contain an investment bank and a technological 

investment bank and a technological university.

✓ Trade for industrialization and technology transfer that focuses 

on investment cooperation are promoted. Thus will be made the popularization of the current economic partnership agreements between Cameroon and China; and especially proceed to the advocacy in order to extend these agreements in other productive sectors.

✓ Financial integration for a consequent support for the implementation of industrialization is promoted.

✓ Straightforward interpersonal linkages ensured of public support for the implementation of 

the Industrialization Initiative are promoted.


The programming during the nine days of the event will be transversal with:

❖ Exhibition stands of the participants' equipment and products

❖ B2B meetings

❖ Symposia and exchanges between participants on specific themes

❖ Physical and playful activities of exchange between participants (culture, sport...); heritage music concert and others...

❖ Field visits (on some infrastructures and factories already set up by China...

For more information