Interview with the JOGOO GROUP

Interview with the JOGOO GROUP

Interview with the JOGOO GROUP

Events 1 year ago 4 min read

1- What is "Groupe JOGOO"?

The "JOGOO Group" with the slogan "African Philosophy. Debates & Questions" an association that describes itself in its statutes as a research group or a "learned society", a project of reflection on philosophical thought as a whole that would like to situate its issues in relation to Africa, by Africans as well as by non-Africans on human problems and issues.

2- Who had the idea?

The project is an initiative of Yannick Essengue (a researcher in philosophy) since 2010 and who coordinates it.

The word "Jogoo" comes from Swahili (the most spoken language in Africa) and means "rooster". Unlike Western philosophy, which takes as its model the owl that takes flight at nightfall (Hegel), Western philosophy is a philosophy of the evening, when all existential problems are as if resolved.

The philosophy that we want for Africa takes as a symbol the rooster, an animal of the morning, the one that wakes us up, the one that pushes us to work and the one that fertilizes each of our moments.

This is the resumption of the idea proposed by philosophy students in Lubumbashi in the DRC, by proposing the image of the rooster and the foundation of the Gallinian philosophy (Cahiers Philosophiques Africains, 3-4, 1976, 51-61).

3- How was the project born?

The project starts from an observation and a need: the marginalization ad intra as well as ad extra of what we want to call African philosophy on the one hand, and on the other hand, the need to become aware of the importance of making philosophy better known and the major contribution that Africa can make in this quest for meaning.

4- What is the objective ?

The main objective is to develop research topics (common spaces or places) from which we can contribute to research and contribute to African thought which is a thought of action for the awakening of consciences.

5- What are your activities?

Our activities are centered around our research axes (African Hermeneutics and Phenomenology; Epistemologies, Rationalisms, African Cultures and Societies; African Philosophy of Religion; Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics; Politics, Ethics, Identity & Gender, Major Contemporary Issues.

To accompany researchers, we have a scientific journal (Jogoo) and a magazine (Philo Africaine Magazine) soon available. We also have a Communication Agency (Sankofa Communications) already operational, whose main objective is to accompany researchers in the organization of their activities and scientific events, in their publication projects (editing, proofreading, translations). We also have editorial projects for much later.

6- What is the Fabien EBOUSSI BOULAGA Symposium?

The colloquium is organized in partnership with the Catholic University of Central Africa (UCAC), the University Jean Jaurès of Toulouse and the University of Tübingen in Germany, around the figure of Fabien Eboussi Boulaga, a Cameroonian philosopher of regretful memory.

It aims above all to think about the decolonization of knowledge from the dialectic of authenticity as a path to liberation in oneself, for oneself and for others. Its second objective is to launch a Fabien Eboussi Boulaga Documentary Fund, which aims to make available the writings of/about Fabien Eboussi.

7- How to participate?

Simply by visiting the Nkolbisson campus of UCAC from May 3 to 5, 2023. But also for the researchers by pursuing the intuition of the colloquium in the activities of the Eboussi Fund and in the publications planned following the colloquium.

8- How to join the "JOGOO Group"?

To become a member of the association, all information is available by email at .

Fabien EBOUSSI Colloquium BOULAGA ( Not to be missed!) :