Create an organizer account

Create an organizer account

1- Log in to your organizer account

2- Click on Menu

3- Select Add my event

4- Fill in the required fields:

- Event name

- Event description: give a more detailed presentation of the event

- Participants: allow visitors to see the number of participants who have already booked.

- Enable reviews: allow visitors or participants to leave a comment on your event

- Language: the language spoken at the event

- Subtitles: if your event is a film or a book

- Year: if your event is a film or a book

- Audience: the type of audience targeted by your event

- YouTube video link: if you have a YouTube video presenting your event

- External link: if your event has a dedicated website

- Contact phone: the phone number to call for information

- Contact e-mail address: the e-mail address to contact for all inquiries

- Event image: the visual of your event

- Image gallery: if you'd like to add other images representing your event

- Event dates: enter the start date and time and the end date and time of the event.

- Is this event online: specify whether the event is online or face-to-face

- Location: add the location of the event (click on "Add a location" to insert the location of your event)

- Tickets : insert ticket information

- Ticket designation : type of ticket ( classic, VIP, Free, etc... )

- Is this ticket free? : if your event is free

- Price: the ticket price

- Promotional price: in the event of a promotion/discount

- Quantity: number of tickets available

- Tickets per participant: the number of tickets a participant is entitled to purchase

- Sale starts on: to schedule the start of sales

- Sale ends on: to schedule the end of sales

- Add a new ticket: if you have tickets at different prices, you can create several tickets.

- Add a new event date: if your event has several dates, you can enter all the dates of your event.

4- Then click on Save

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